Universe a Fire-Cracker

Tue 16 February 2016

This article is still very raw and wild, please don't go nuts with it.

Universe as usual is amazingly huge and extremely slow. Stars take billions of years to exhaust their fuel. And They are therefore pretty hard to study.

Most people have different models of the Universe. Some support the Big Bang, An enormous explosion of a singularity created the Universe. For some, there are two parallel planes which are simultaneously moving towards and away from each other. When these planes collide (or touch), a Big Bang occurs. Others, believe that after the Big Bang The Universe will start contracting into the singularity once again. Some still believe earth is flat (And I'll laugh out loud at them).

Firecracker Model

Yep it sounds way funny than cool, but I would call it that unless a newer name is suggested to me.

For a primer watch this video first .

This is where the saga begins, The Universe is of course badly slow, as discussed above. But take a little time and imagine the events of Big Bang happening in a very few seconds. You will get something as a Firecracker. But How much can you interpret from it? Let's see.


The Universe Before the Big Bang happened was a calm cool night sky (i.e. nothing, empty space). The actual temperature being 0K. And the Firecracker was fired into the sky (this specific firecracker does not have a trail).

Now You know that the Firecracker is going to explode. Sometime or the other it will, but you don't know when. The fabric of space time is smooth and even, With only a huge bump around the singularity (Yep the firecracker, before explosion, is the singularity).

The Bang

The Firecracker Explodes. Bang. A loud sound travels through the space time (which we will discuss later).

And the Universe expands spontaneously with deadly rise in the temperatures and amazing disturbance in air of sky that is our space time fabric.

The Happenings

Before the blast, There existed a simple mix of a super singular particle (The molecule that burned after the explosion). Then when the bang occurred, the chemical reactions took place that produced newer molecules, that is particles in the Universe.

The thing to note here is that the firecracker contains its own oxidizing agent. Therefore, It doesn't react with the air($O_2$). Thus the formation of elementary particles after Big Bang is not at all related to what was before the Bang.

All those bright spots are the super novas and hyper novas exploding throughout the age of the Universe.

Gravity Waves

The sound of the bang, and the later happenings of supernovas created sound waves throughout our space-time fabric. These sound waves were actually Gravity Waves.

The Eventual Fate of the Universe

This is the most taunting and Wild part of the theory.

When The cracker has shown its amazing display, It silently calms and appears to dissolve into the oblivion. No trace remains except that of burnt smoke distributing evenly throughout the sky. Similarly, Our Universe will end up into uniform distribution of Matter.

The enormous heat that first was fascinating, now slowly distributes throughout making the sky slightly hotter, but nevertheless close to 0K.


There could also be other Fire-Crackers that night. And they would have created similar Universes, Maybe with some other fancy colors.

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