Using Github Releases

Date : Mon 28 March 2016 By : Adi Ultra  | Category : git

Tags : git github



Releases are a feature of github that allow developers to ship binaries for download so that the users of the software don't have to compile the source code and the developers don't have to add binary files to their repos.


In this article Release means a new version of software that is Released By the developer for users to install and use.


It's pretty easy to use. You get a link in your git-hub repo's mainpage named as Releases. Here is a screen-shot.

  • If you didn't have any releases :

Releases button

  • If you had releases :

Releases after

You can navigate to it and follow instructions and then create a new/first release.

Some points to remember

  • Try to publish the release as compressed files and/or standalone executables.

  • Don't include unnecessary files such as cache and .git folder.

  • Use Pre-release option if your release is unstable.

  • Version your Release to track record for changes.


This tutorial is meant for those who for some reason could not publish a release. It is a simple step to step guide to publish a release.


I have used my notex repo for this tutorial.

Step 1 :

Enter the release option.

this is for you sagar, don't use a repo for storing exe

Step 2 :

Choose/Click(Whatever the heck you can call it) Create a New Release.

The great button

Step 3 :

Read Description Below

  1. Write description
  2. Upload files
  3. Select If a Pre-release
  4. Publish The Release

A filled Release Form looks like :


Viola. Enjoy. You Just published your first Release.



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